

"So you mean to say you're an Agarwal's blood but you aren't an Agarwal heiress because your family has disowned you but you still have more net worth than any of the Agarwal?", Ziya's voice was filled with amusement as she stared at me with wide eyes and then continued to read the article.

After the reception party, there were several articles released related to me. Some were bad, some were good and some were filled with fictional speculations. But what completely caught me off guard was mine and Moksh's dating rumour. Someone wrote that we were already having an affair and were just gaslighting everyone, but it was the least of my concerns so I decided to let it go. Jitne muh utni baatein!

[Translation: As many people, so many talks!]

Currently, the article Ziya was reading was from a renowned magazine that decided to make me the big news, it had everything related to me minus the disowning part.

Everyone thought that the media house was scrapping out all the information related to me, but it was just my amazing PR team doing the job effortlessly and stopping the unwanted rumours from spreading.

I absentmindedly nodded and continued typing on my laptop. It has been a complete month of our marriage, and since I've been a part of this fabulous family.

Everyone has accepted me with open arms, even Radhika Bua and her daughter's presence was bearable since she decided to act a bit cordial with me, at least for the sake of civility since both of them only visited on weekends.

I bonded well with the junior Mehrotras. Ziya, Vihaan and Vivaan, all of them, were fantastic and full of life, especially Vihaan who made sure to make me feel more welcoming by tagging along everywhere I go, following me like a puppy.
He was in his rebellious youth era with that Sanskari bad-boy vibes while his younger twin Vivaan was silent, calm and composed.

A nerd and a complete bookworm. He took time to open up but now before going to sleep he would summarise the book he read to me, fascinating about the characters.

Ziya was glorious too, she shared her passion for designing and now had started to use me as her mannequin.

My mother-in-law was a wonderful woman, we chatted a lot and now I had daily Sitar classes with her. Chachi was great, she taught me all the cuisines of everyone's liking and we baked a lot.

There was a ritual strictly followed inside the Mehrotra mansion, a homemade cookie jar. Everyone in the family knew how to cook, men included. So every week someone had to bake cookies for everyone and fill up the jar and vice versa. It all started when Chachi married in the family and the ritual hadn't been broken yet. It was quite amazing and felt like bonding with the family.

Dadi was fun, like super funny. She cracked jokes, recited the whole Bhagwat Gita and the other holy books and I helped her clean the temple area daily. It came to me as a shock when I confessed to her that I was an atheist and didn't believe in God, but she was cool with it and promised that she'd make the miracle happen one day.

And since then I've been tagging along with her. Dadaji wasn't as strict as I thought, every evening tea we spent talking business along with my father-in-law and Chachu since they would be back from the office at that time.

Nevan was my best buddy, his presence didn't let me feel like I was missing my best friends, he was always around and pulling stunts here and there. Pranking everyone or either pushing Moksh's buttons. He was fun to be with.

Being around them made me realise what family felt like, and I couldn't be more grateful to Moksh. Talking about Moksh, my husband, I've been giving him a cold shoulder since that reception night. The last time I spoke to him was the other day after the reception during breakfast and since then I've been completely silent and mute in his presence.

I've avoided him as much as I can because his actions had triggered that forlorn part of mine which I could never bear. So I made sure our encounters were minimal and my silence treatment was at its peak. I would take the couch and he obliged without any drama.

He had tried several times to talk but I brushed it off on the pretext of being busy with work. A month and a half away from my work had so many things piled up for me. Since I couldn't go back to Mumbai, I was having a hard time shifting my base to Delhi. Everything was stalked up, the new clients, upcoming projects, the shifting and whatnot. I'd opted for every possible way to make the whole ordeal a success.

I needed my secretary in the Delhi branch since I couldn't bear a chance and mess up everything with a new secretary. My secretary had published articles for hiring on the official site and the upcoming week would be more tiresome with the new employees and joinings.

The biggest financial crisis was finding a new suitable place, bearing the living expenditure of the staff I was shifting from Mumbai and carrying a big budget for their apartment and living expenses. But my in-laws were sympathetic enough to accommodate my staff in the lavish apartment complexes they constructed.

Money wasn't an issue, but maintaining the finances and graphs were. My father-in-law being a commerce graduate was proving to be a helping hand which I was thankful for. Alas, everything was under control and after two days I would be travelling to Mumbai for the final arrangements.

"Just how rich are you?", Ziya questioned closing her phone, while I huffed a sigh of exhaustion. I was tired from all the work. Gosh!

"Well apart from me owning my company, Mubarakan, I invest in Sam's and Prit's company along with being a shareholder. So yeah I'm rich maybe", I added after a pause and smiled at her

We all were in Vihaan's room, I was busy on my laptop, Ziya was reading the article, and Vivaan was engrossed in his book while Vihaan went to grab some snacks. It was a random weekend and the time when we sat and just had our time chatting and messing around.

"I like working with Sam, bhabhi", Ziya out of the blue announced and I stared at her as if she had grown two horns. "He let you call Sam?", my voice was filled with shock grabbing Vivaan's attention who now looked at us while she nodded showing me her chats with Sam.

"Then girl you are special and had impressed him because he would go all bulldogs if someone referred to him as Sam rather than Sir, or Mr Joshi", I said my eyebrows raised in appreciation. It was completely unlike Sam, the more easygoing and fool he was in front of us, he was the complete opposite of the world. Sharp, curt and disciplined.

Days back I'd introduced both Sam and Ziya, initially I thought he would scare off the poor girl since he was a jerk and prick with the new interns but I was wrong, maybe the iceberg was melting.

"I know right, at first he was strict and would pick out even the slightest error in my designs, like why aren't the strokes slant, which pencil I used and what not but now he's changed. He's just so cool like bhai", Ziya had her complete fan girl mode on for Sam, which reminded me that I hadn't had a word with him in the past week.

I gave her a look as if she had offended me, if Sam heard this he would fly around on the ninth cloud with his invisible wings.

"Yeah, so annoying and full of themselves, no doubt they get along well", I twisted my lips while her smile fell and the crackers in her eyes evaporated. "Agreed!", Vihaan added as he lay on the same couch I sat on with his head in my lap.

I kept the laptop on the tea table and sat comfortably, adjusting his head making him smile at me as I combed my fingers through his hair.

"And the amount of pranks bhai had pulled onto you, it's insane", Vivaan spoke sliding towards me, making Ziya pout.
Have I told you that Ziya is protective of her bhai? The girl will pull out your tongue and wrap it around your throat if you speak a word against her beloved bhai. We were spared because we were family.

"Why are you all so against bhai, hmm? He just does that to get a reaction out of Bhabhi", Ziya whined throwing her hands in the air. Well, she was right, Moksh had pulled many pranks to get a reaction out of me. It all started with first pouring water all over the couch so that I would take the bed, but that night I slept in Ziya's room.

The other day it was adding extra salt to my food, which surely pissed me off but rather than erupting like a volcano I calmly changed my plate. After that he spammed my WhatsApp by sending me random gifs and stickers, my phone had hung at that time and it would have blasted but I simply switched off the phone.

Once he had changed the toothpaste with his shaving cream and had even replaced the original Oreos with toothpaste-filled cream, which had left a stale taste in my mouth the whole day but I didn't buzz like a bee and ignored him as if he didn't exist.

His futile attempts and harmless pranks did leave me wondering at the extent he could get to, and at times I did pity him but I was a tough nut to crack after all.

"We aren't against him or disrespecting him Zi, we're just describing him", he said in a matter-of-fact tone winking at me while he hi-fied Vivaan and both shared a laugh. "But someone-", I interrupted them and glared at the boys putting an end to their banter.

"Some People are like bags of Pampers, so self-absorbed and full of shit, now no more comments needed", I said making everyone snigger while Ziya typed something in her phone ignoring the insult I indirectly threw at her brother.

"So zi, it's dada-dadi's anniversary what are you gifting them?", Vivaan questioned, piquing my interest. "I'm designing matching shawls for them", Ziya answered.

"It's their anniversary? When?", I asked, my eyebrows thinned in confusion. "Just around the corner, the end of this month, hope you will be back by then?", Vihaan answered from my lap to which I nodded

"Hopefully", I sounded unsure as I mentally calculated in my mind. "It's fun, bhabhi. We cut a cake when the clock hits 12, the next day the whole family visits the temple, the elders do some charity and then in the evening a small celebration", Vivaan notified, sounding excited.

"And let me tell you bhabhi, it's bhai who gets the best gifts every year", Ziya said, as always boasting about her brother. "Don't underestimate the power of your bhabhi, Zi, tumhare Bhai ko issbar toh dul chatakar nhi rakha toh mera naam Lasya Agarwal nhi", I challenged, my lips twisting up in a smirk but it dropped the moment I heard a deep raspy voice.

[Translation: I will defeat your brother this time]

"Vho Lasya Moksh Mehrotra hai, biwi", Moksh's husky voice sent shivers down my spine and my back stiffened. I sat up straight when he walked through the door and sat on the vacant stool, just in front of me.

[Translation: it's Lasya Moksh Mehrotra, wife]

I avoided eye contact with him but couldn't resist the way he looked. He had ditched his blazer, his tie was loosened around his neck with the top button on his shirt open.

He had rolled the sleeves up to his elbow and his Rolex rested perfectly on his wrist, complimenting his delicious-looking veiny arms.

His hair was messy adding more to his boyish charm and his adams apple bobbed when he talked making me feel suddenly hot.

He stared deeply into my eyes, his brown orbs dilating a bit. He licked his dry lips and then brought his hand closer to his tie, loosening it a bit. His steps were calculative while I looked at his every action attentively, my own throat drying.

I haven't admitted it but I had things for hands, and Moksh got to have the same type of hands I crave for, large thick fingers, calloused palms with all the workout and prominent veins running from the back of the palm disappearing in his shirt. I gulped hard still admiring his veins when he all of a sudden stopped.

With thinned eyebrows, I looked up and my eyes met his, suddenly he winked with a wicked smirk on his head making me snap out of the daze. Fuck!

And the bastard Mehrotra was back, that sly fox had caught me gawking at him. I avoided looking at him as my face burned with embarrassment, I felt hot all of a sudden and something flipped in my belly leaving me a blushing mess.

The way he winked and that twist in his lips had me bothered with his presence, he knew he was affecting me and he was purposely doing it.

"Iss kadar hamare pyaar ka imtehaan na lijiye,
khafaa hai kyu hamse yeh bataa toh dijiye,
maaf kar do agar ho gayi ho humse koi khata,
par yaad na karke humein saza to na dijiye", Moksh's voice rang in my ears as the room was silent after his arrival. I gulped and turned my head towards his direction. His eyes were tired and held innocence, as he was hinting towards my ignorance through his lines.

[Translation: Don't test our love to this extent,
Why are you angry, please tell me this always,
Please forgive me if I wronged you,
But please don't punish me by not remembering me.]

"Bhai, aap bhabhi ke liye kabse shero-shayari karne lag gye?", Ziya asked amused. "Tumhari bhabhi chahe toh inke liye mar-mitne ke liye bhi taiyaar hu, yeh toh fir bhi shayari hai", I ducked my head, covering my face with my hair as I was turning crimson. His eyes were so intense and I bit my lips trying to control the profound blush.

[Translation: Brother, have you started reciting poetry for our sister-in-law?

: if your sister-in-law wants, I am ready to die for her, this is still poetry.]

I blink nervously, looking at everyone but him. Lifting Vihaan's head from my lap, I placed it on the cushion and stood up. "I'm going, I have some packing left", I announced and walked out of the room, going towards our own.

"How come everyone is aware but IΒ  wasn't? My wife is flying to another state and I didn't know", I was busy packing my suitcase when Moksh emerged inside the room ragging like a bull. "stop overreacting Moksh, it's not a big deal. You are acting as if I'm running away", I deadpan, passing him a look

"I'm overreacting?", he scoffed." For god's sake, I'm just scared about your safety Lasya, after the reception there has been danger looming on your head, everyone's trying to aim a bullet at your head, especially that lunatic family of yours. Why don't you understand", he angrily said, he wasn't yelling, he was just angry and trying hard not to lose control. He had his fingers fisted tightly, making his knuckles turn white.

"I am not trying to come out as controlling or manipulative Lasya, but at least I should be aware of your whereabouts, right? Don't I deserve that? I have that right, hm?", his tone suddenly turned soft and he sounded defeated as he moved a step ahead, his shoulders dropping from exhaustion. "Moksh, I-",

"See, I know I have done something really wrong on the reception night, I am not asking for my fault because I know I'm at fault here, but please can you give me a chance to compensate, at least a chance to justify myself", he begged and I gulped the lump forming in my throat.

It was the first conversation we were having after a month and I seriously didn't imagine everything to turn out this way.

"Look Moksh, I know you are sorry and all, but I need some time, I need some space. I hope you are understanding", I huffed biting my lower lip to control a sob. With each passing second it was getting hard as the lump was unbearable in my throat.

Our eyes bore into each other, his trying to search for something, while I tried my best to hide everything behind a cold mask as I always did. As much as I wanted to trust Moksh, the haunting memories were refraining me, crumbling my confidence in Moksh.

I had seen my father lose control under the influence of alcohol and I didn't want the history to repeat itself. That night it happened once, what if it happens again?

I wanted to give him a chance to justify himself and rectify his mistake but there was this nagging feeling in the back of my head, blurring my vision to everything as my ears burned with the unshed tears. And I let my demons win this time.

His eyes shone with pure regret and I saw tears shining in his brown orbs but he nodded nonetheless, averting his eyes and taking a step back. I had this strange urge to hug him and broke down in his embrace, but I bit my lips controlling the urge.

He turned on his heels, ready to walk out but stopped when I called him, "Moksh". He turned around, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Nothing", I shook my head and continued folding my clothes. He was still standing in his position not moving an inch, and I was busy contemplating in my mind whether to let him go or jump in his embrace and cry my heart out.

But I stopped myself because my scars were too ugly for his beautiful soul, I was too tainted for his colourful life, and I did not want to stain his bright-coloured canvas with my hideous past.

He was too good and full of life for someone as depressed as me, and I did not want him to be another victim of the cruelty my soul carried.

So I watch him go, vanish from my sight as I see his back retreating out of the room and closing the door with a bang.

A lone tear left my eyes but I knew this was for my own good, for me, for him, for us. I was too afraid to ruin him, break his heart and see the pieces shattered everywhere or watch the fire of my past demons burn him into ashes.

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